Twin Newborn Lifestyle Session

Wauwatosa, WI

Josie and Josiah, the cutest twins that ever were! Photographing twins is no joke, and these two definitely made us work for it, but we did it! Thankfully mom and dad had help that day which was amazing! If you have more than one little, I definitely recommend bringing along a family member to help with bottle feedings, diaper changes, entertaining big sibling, etc., it's a great help for mom. Other tips include going with the flow, even if your little babe(s) is fussy or cries a lot, we can work with it, we have the time. Set expectations low as littles cannot last very long for photos, so we will work fast when they let us and let them take as many breaks as they need. As a mom myself, I am not judging if your toddler cries, doesn't want to sit for photos, or wants countless snacks as bribes, trust me I've been there and it's all good! Scroll down to see more images from this sweet family's session.